Office (562) 946-4959
DDS: Training Stipend Program
Disclaimer: This program is for qualifying employees only.
Carefully read the requirements set by DDS to see if you qualify to receive the stipend.
Main Requirement to keep in mind is that you must work at least 10 hours per week. That means that you must work at least 40 hours per month.
Extra hours will not be taken into account.
If you qualify create an account to complete the training before June 30th, 2024
Provider’s RC Vendor Number: HE0267
ARCA-DDS Service Provider (
DDS: Department approved courses to receive the stipend:
Must complete two courses to receive both stipends. Training must be completed on your own time not during respite services.
DDS: Programa de Estipendio de Capacitación
Aviso: Este programa es solo para empleados que califiquen.
Lea cuidadosamente los requisitos establecidos por DDS para ver si califica para recibir el estipendio.
El requisito principal es tener en cuenta que debe trabajar al menos 10 horas por semana. Eso significa que debe trabajar al menos 40 horas al mes.
No se tendrán en cuenta las horas extras que llege a recibir la familia.
Si califica, debe crear una cuenta para completar la capacitación antes del 30 de junio del 2024
Número de proveedor RC: HE0267
ARCA-DDS Service Provider (
DDS: Cursos aprobados por el departamento para recibir el estipendio:
Debe completar dos cursos para recibir ambos estipendios.
La capacitación debe completarse en su propio tiempo, no durante los servicios de respiro.
The California Department of Developmental Services is the agency through which the State of California provides services and supports to individuals with Developmental Disabilities.
Regional centers provide diagnosis and assessment of eligibility and help plan, access, coordinate and monitor the services and supports that are needed because of a developmental disability.